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SMART Scholarship
September 7, 2024 at 5:00:00 PM
SMART Scholarship
Please encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity:
The SMART Program, part of the DoD’s STEM education initiatives, offers scholarships for undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students pursuing degrees in STEM disciplines. This program not only covers full tuition but also provides annual stipends between $30,000 and $46,000, summer internships at DoD
facilities, and guaranteed civilian employment with the DoD upon graduation. It’s an excellent pathway for students interested in contributing to our nation’s defense technology innovations.
Key Benefits of the SMART Scholarship include:
ï‚· Full Tuition to any U.S. accredited college or university
ï‚· Annual Stipend ranging from $30,000 to $46,000
ï‚· Summer Internships at one of over 150 DoD facilities
ï‚· Guaranteed Employment with the DoD post-graduation
The application window for the SMART Scholarship is currently open and will close on Friday, December 5th. This is a wonderful chance for students to gain a strong educational foundation and launch a rewarding career with the Department of Defense.
For more information and to check eligibility, visit the program’s